Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Travis Hite - Reader's Challenge

The greatest alchemist in all the lands
A room that does not exist
A game of chess
A poisoned tea set

Oberan moved through his lab as if there were a clear path. To any other guest, the room looked almost impassible. There were tables with burners, beakers, tubing and other necessary items for alchemy. The far wall held the components he needed. He had done so much work for others until a month ago. The young mage eyed the wall of components then referenced his list. A month ago, Oberan had found reference to the possibility of opening a portal to a room no other could enter. He wanted to access this room for his research documents, unique potions and dangerous elements. It would add to his already overfilled labatory and let him protect his most valuable finds and property. Despite a mage by birth, alchemy was his great love.

He had been making extracts all week. You could not make extracts too far in advance as their properties faded over time. Some lasted only a week or two. The last extract he needed to make was from cat eyes. Oberan scoured the shelves. He had harvested all the parts of a cat about two month's ago. The problem was there were a number of elements starting with C was rather extensive. Finally, he found the jar with the two cat's eyes. He moved back to his current work station, side stepping boxes and tables as he went.

The Pixie Test

Gary Jones- Reader's Challenge:
Young Female Pixie,
A rundown hotel,
Homeless looking for somewhere to live,
Little brother

"Isabelle, it is time."  Belcher said, opening the door to the great pixie hall.  All the elders had turned out to observe the test and as she fluttered in, the room became silent.

Isabelle flew nervously to the center of the ring.  Her last two final tests had been in the same room, but there had been few eyes to witness her failures.  There were young lords and some of the oldest pixie families in the seats. She looked about for her mother and was pleased to see that she was there.  It gave Isabelle a sense of calm and she built on this to become centered.

The aged elder fluttered erratically to the small pedestal that was suspended by magic up above the many gathered.  Isabelle's heart jumped when she looked upon the royal box.  The Queen and her entourage filled the box far above the others.

"Let the final test of magic begin for Isabelle of clan Mistywing."  The crowd fluttered the wings and the hall became a buzz.